.. smpai aty !

sasune:sasuke god damit i hate you so much, but yet i still love you with all my heart! PLEASE DON'T GO! Pictures, Images and Photos

bkn pertame kali aq kecik aty nan mamat ni .
dh bnyk kali .
but diam sbb mls cri pasal .
dye skunk men ckp lps je .
woii ko npe ?
mmg sje nk gado kew ha ?
adoiiyaii ko men ckp lps je nan aq skunk .
sdey kowt .
dl ko xpnh cm ni .
npe tbe tbe berubah ganas ni ?
spe aja ?
meh aq tumbuk owg yg jd ko cm ni .
xske la pragai ko skunk .
aty aq dh bnyk terluke kowt .
aq XNK jmpe ko ag .
nnti aq yg skt aty .
jgn text or kol aq klw stakat nk sktkn aty aq!
ermmmm .
aq windu ko yg dl .

*wlwpun ko xkn bce blog ni*

*afiQ . jgn terase*